Get a competitive quote for your custom manufacturing requirements.
We'll work closely with you to bring your custom product to life. We commonly work with galvanise and stainless steel wire, as well as rebar.
Bring a finished design to us, or we can work with you to create a custom design from scratch. View examples below.
Get in touch today. Email us or call 03 9331 5544.
Wire straightening and cutting
We offer a wire cutting and straightening service. BYO wire or purchase wire from our own range.
Free, no obligation quote for large or small projects.
Support Australian manufacturing and get the best outcome with personalised service direct from the manufacturer, quality materials, and fast product turn-around.
Get in touch today. Email us or call 03 9331 5544.
Our factory is located in Keilor East, Melbourne, VIC, Australia and we deliver Australia wide.
View some of our custom manufacturing projects
Creating a custom wire product using 2.5mm galvanised wire for a customer in the agricultural industry.
Custom designed threaded bars, used in playground equipment.
Custom made wire cages, used on the set of a television series.
Custom made wire plant holders
Chicken rotisserie basket in stainless steel. The customer provided initial specifications and we worked with them to make some adjustments and improvements during the development stage.

Custom made wire ligatures. Made from 10mm wire.
Available in 6mm, 8mm, 9mm, and 10mm wire sizes.
150 were ordered by a construction company to be used in concrete footings to support trench mesh.
Custom made wire hooks - used for smoking meat.
Custom manufactured wire cages using 6.3mm wire and 10mm Re-bar, made for a university that conducts testing and research on steel and concrete products.
Manufacturing speciality wire clip.
Straightening and cutting 8mm wire to be used in fitness equipment.